Promotion, Branding & Marketing

  1. Introducing Multibandz. Succeed in Maths AND have Fun!

    Introducing Multibandz.  Succeed in Maths AND have Fun!
    It’s never been easy getting kids to learn their multiplication and division tables, until multibandz. It wasn’t easy when we were kids. There were outdoor activities and other things vying for our attention. While there were far fewer television options then, the TV was still there to distract us. Today it’s even tougher to get kids to focus on their studies when they are out of the classroom, with smartphones, tablets, and television all stealing kids' attention. Not only has it not been easy, but it was also usually drudgery, too. In the old days, it was tables written on a chalkboard, flash cards, and rote memorisation from reciting them in class. It was similar to a trip to the dentist – a lot of teeth pulling – and almost as much fun. Continue reading →
  2. Fabric & Tyvek Wristbands Make Your Event Fun and Colourful

    Fabric & Tyvek Wristbands Make Your Event Fun and Colourful
    tyvek wristbands, music festival, summerWho would have thought that a simple fabric or tyvek wristband could provide so much to an event? These simple but versatile accessories make running your event easy, while also helping to establish a solid brand identity for your organisation. Oh, and they look great as well! Read on to find out more about why your event needs Handband's fabric and tyvek wristbands. Continue reading →
  3. 5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Show Support for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

    5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Show Support for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
    lgbt, workplace equality, marriage equality, awarenessThe International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (The International Day) will again be celebrated on May 17 this year. This "worldwide celebration of sexual and gender diversities" coordinates global events that raise awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) rights all over the planet. The International Day was first observed in 2004. May 17 was selected to commemorate the date in 1990 that the World Health Organization decided to no longer classify homosexuality as a mental disorder. Continue reading →
  4. Get Your Holiday Party Started with Silicone Wristbands

    Get Your Holiday Party Started with Silicone Wristbands
    silicone wristbandsAre you anticipating either planning or attending a holiday party for your company? If so, congratulations – you’re already ahead of the game. Making your holiday party a true must-attend event takes a significant amount of effort. All that work will pay off, however, as companies and employees alike will truly enjoy the event. If you're getting ready to plan or attend a big event, one of the most important components of the party is overall organisation and entertainment-related strategies. These are the aspects that make or break the overall potential of any type of party or event. Have you put any thought into the types of activities you’ll be offering guests to keep them happily entertained? Continue reading →
  5. The Power of Custom Wristbands & Other Promo Products in Business Marketing

    The Power of Custom Wristbands & Other Promo Products in Business Marketing
    marketing success with custom wristbands When you search for ‘business marketing’ or any related phrase on Google or Bing, what are you most likely to find out there? In nine out of ten cases, you’ll probably see services, agencies and all sorts of websites and companies focusing on Internet marketing services. And that’s obviously where you should focus a lot of your efforts for your own campaign. But if you stop your ad strategies right at the online/social media front, here’s a news flash for you: you’re missing out on a huge potential in your overall marketing success. Can you guess what that missing component is for your campaign? Continue reading →

Items 26 to 30 of 50 total