We’re a few weeks into 2022 now, and those New Year resolutions you eagerly signed up for might be starting to look like hard work.

This can be especially true if you’ve pledged to stop smoking — a tough challenge.

If your motivation to stop smoking cigarettes is waning, don’t despair! There are many simple ways to get you back on track to achieve your goal. Let’s take a look at them in this article.

Remember the health benefits

Did you know that smoking is the top cause of preventable disease and death in Australia, increasing your risk of serious illnesses like lung cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and cardiovascular diseases?

You already know why you should stop smoking but reminding yourself of the health benefits when you have a wobble can be enough to keep you motivated:

  • 20 minutes after quitting smoking, your heart rate returns to normal, blood pressure falls, and circulation improves
  • After 12 hours, your carbon monoxide levels return to normal, and your oxygen levels increase
  • After one day, your chance of heart attack reduces
  • After two days, your sense of taste and smell start to improve
  • After three days, your nicotine levels fall
  • After one month, your lung function improves
  • After three months, your circulation will have improved even more
  • After nine months, your lungs will have healed themselves, and you will be less likely to get infections
  • After one year, your risk of coronary heart disease will have reduced by half
  • After five years, your arteries and blood vessels will have widened, reducing the risk of stroke
  • After ten years, your chance of getting lung cancer and dying from it is half that of a smoker

As you can see, with every day, week, month, and year that passes after you have stopped smoking, your risk of serious diseases drops, and your overall health improves.

Identify your triggers

Work out your triggers for craving a cigarette. They will most likely relate to situations where you would previously smoke, such as drinking alcohol or coffee or socialising.

Once you know what they are, you’ll need to develop a strategy to avoid them or manage them without lighting up.

For example, you may want to cut down on your alcohol consumption, swapping wine and beer for non-alcoholic cocktails.

Or, if you find you need something to do with your hands instead of holding a cigarette, grab a notepad and pen and start doodling!

Get active

Exercise and getting out in the fresh air are fantastic ways to beat your nicotine cravings.

The natural endorphins released when you get physical will boost your mood and help you forget that you wanted that cigarette.

You don’t have to embark on a complicated exercise routine. Just a brisk walk outside during your lunch break, some squats while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil or five minutes of yoga can be enough to take your mind off tobacco.

Find a stop-smoking buddy

Buddy up with a friend or colleague who is also giving up smoking. You’ll find that peer pressure is a powerful motivator when it comes to sticking to your resolution!

You will also benefit from the mutual support you exchange with your stop-smoking buddy.

Celebrating each other’s milestones and keeping strong when one of you feels tempted will help you both give up for good.

Get a motivational wristband

One of the simplest ways to remind yourself of your stop-smoking resolution is to wear a wristband.

Choose a silicone wristband that will be comfortable to wear and long-lasting too. You can find one with a pre-printed message or a customised wristband that displays smoking motivational quotes. How about one of these stop smoking slogans?

  • I’m saying no to tobacco
  • 2022: the year of stopping smoking
  • You’ve got this!
  • Life thrills, smoking kills
  • 100% smoke-free
  • Keep calm and quit smoking
  • Quit smoking or die trying
  • Be brighter, put down the lighter
  • Don’t give up giving up!
  • Believe you can, and you’re halfway there

    To make your wristband more impactful, go for a wide wristband in the colour of your choice.

    A simple reminder that your journey is worthwhile

    Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, so it’s no wonder if you lose your motivation to stop smoking now and then.

    But if you’ve got this far, congratulations are due! So take stock of how far you’ve come and try out some of our tips to keep your motivation high.

    For a simple reminder that your journey is worthwhile, check out our selection of motivational wristbands, which can be customised with whatever message keeps you going.

    With a vast selection of silicone and other wristbands and fast shipping throughout Australia, you will soon be on your way to a healthier lifestyle — smoke-free!