silicone wristbands for aida Attention Interest Desire Action As an Opera it’s undoubtedly good – but we’re really talking about the marketing model. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.  Handband silicone wristbands as a promotional tool in your marketing arsenal do the Attention and Interest part of the equation.

A series of silicone wristbands that you’ve personalised with your company logo and tagline act as a reminder and an attention-getter for people seeing it on someone’s wrist. Because the colours and graphics are eye-catching people are happy to wear their silicone wristbands and act as your unofficial billboard.

Silicone Wristbands

Curiosity is a powerful tool and people seeing the colourful silicone wristbands are curious as to what it means and who the company is. Interest is created in the viewer’s mind when they actively source your company’s name online or when they see your other marketing efforts and relate the two.  Font's play a large part too, and can be used to evoke emotions and capture the mood of the moment.  Did someone also mention glitter?  Add some glitter or glow in the dark to the bracelets to really capture attention.  These add-ons can be added to both the font or the bands themselves.

The custom silicone wristbands are food grade, very hard wearing and amazingly flexible in terms of the colours and print options you have. It’s powerful marketing that stays front of mind and maintains the relationship with your brand.

If major companies use Handband silicone wristbands maybe you should too. It’s inexpensive and the personalisation potential is enormous – just talk to our staff to get an idea of what can be done. Our website has a good rundown of the different products and shapes that are available.

Contact us at Handband and we'll show you how many organisations have successfully used silicone wristbands – to create their very own AIDA!