Running a reasonably large event these days is an exercise in council forms, liability discussions and details, details, details. That said, we're all the richer and wiser for the many community events that enterprising people put on - so thank you Community Event Organisers!

Keeping track of your event attendees - guests, performers, VIPs and so on - can be as simple as our Tyvek wristbands. They're available in many colours, printed or unprinted and help you see at a glance who should be where.

How do you put on an event? The key is in the planning.

Have a plan which notes all the major tasks and the guidelines to complete each task, along with persons responsible. Your initial plan headlines are as follows:

  • Event Details - place and time, contacts
  • Organising Committee - names and contacts
  • Finances - budget
  • Insurance
  • Venue - potential hazards, site plan, contingencies
  • Traffic and Bodies management - road closures, pedestrian entry and exits
  • Incident Management Plan - control centre, contacts, first aid stations, fire fighting, lost property and children
  • Incident reporting
  • Health - sunscreen, children safety, ambulance access point
  • Safety - number restrictions, roped off areas, security staff
  • Marketing and management

Once the plan is in place, then it's almost paint by numbers - so long as your plan is comprehensive and people know their responsibilities, you'll be fine. The things to watch out for are: council permissions (allow plenty of time), have a weather contingency, and don't skimp on the marketing.