If your child or someone you know has sensory issues, you may be wondering what type of wristband would work for them.

Because they may find certain materials or sensations uncomfortable, it’s important to make the right choice.

We’re going to guide you towards the best type of wristband for them in this article and explain more about sensory issues.

What are sensory issues?

Someone with sensory issues may have a formally diagnosed condition such as sensory processing disorder or autism, or may simply not enjoy the sensation of certain materials.

In the case of sensory processing disorder, you may be more sensitive to stimuli like sounds, smells or how things feel than other people. This is known as hypersensitivity.

Or the opposite could be true — you may need more stimuli to create an impact, and this leads you to seek out sensory experiences. This is hyposensitivity.

People with autism may also exhibit similar behaviour; in fact, some doctors believe that there is a link between sensory processing disorder and autism.

If you or a family member are affected by hypersensitivity issues, you may find that:

  • Clothes feel itchy or scratchy
  • You don’t enjoy wearing accessories such as jewellery or watches
  • Items that are supposed to be soft feel too hard
  • Many sounds cause distress or sound too loud
  • You dislike the textures of certain foods
  • You feel anxious when faced with learning something new

People who are hyposensitive may:

  • Chew their fingernails, hands or clothing
  • Fidget with objects
  • Feel anxious if they don’t have an item to constantly touch and play with
  • Make repetitive movements to bring a sense of relief
  • Find it difficult to recognise internal signals like hunger, thirst or the need to use the bathroom
  • Don’t recognise the need for others’ personal space and boundaries

How to find the best sensory wristbands

There are many reasons why someone with sensory issues could benefit from wearing a wristband.

For example, they may have a medical condition and need to wear a wristband that contains vital information about their health status. This could be an autism wristband or one that indicates a different condition and could also contain information about medication and an emergency contact number.

Or people with sensory issues may feel comforted by wearing an item that won’t get lost easily and that they can touch or “fiddle with” whenever they feel the need.

But how do you know what makes the best type of wristband for someone with sensory issues?

Comfort is key, so look for a material that feels good to wear and is flexible and durable too.

For people with sensory issues, silicone is the ideal material. Silicone wristbands come in a wide range of thicknesses, designs and colours and are:

  • Soft, stretchy and comfortable
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Won’t feel too tight
  • Divert chewing and fidgeting away from other areas
  • Customisable with any details you like

The Handband range of silicone wristbands features a variety of designs like this thick one inch wristband, regular sized silicone wristbands and even skinny wristbands too.

You’ll also find textured wristbands, thumb rings and slapbands so you can try an alternative if a regular wristband isn’t suitable.

And because all of our items can be customised, you’ll be sure to find the perfect item to soothe, calm and comfort your loved one with sensory issues.

What else can I do to help someone with sensory issues?

Here are some other simple ways that can help someone with sensory issues.

For hypersensitivity:

  • Wear sunglasses under fluorescent lights
  • Wear headphones or earplugs in noisy environments
  • Wear soft and comfy clothing
  • Avoid strongly scented items and highly flavoured or spicy foods

For hyposensitivity:

  • Use fidget toys
  • Arrange your home to provide some open, safe space
  • Use weighted blankets or lap pads to give a feeling of pressure
  • Take breaks throughout the day to movements that bring a sense of calm

Comfortable silicone wristbands for sensory issues

Silicone wristbands are suitable for people with sensory issues as they’re comfortable and hypoallergenic too.

This means they’re ideal for wearing for long periods. And because they’re customisable, they can include useful information like medical details.

At Handband, we pride ourselves in offering a wide range of wristbands that look stylish and feel great too! They can be personalised with any information you choose and are available in a variety of designs and colours too.

And did you know that our sister company, Mediband, offers personalised and pre-printed medical wristbands for a wide range of health conditions?

So for sensory bands for autism or other conditions, take a look at our exciting collections. They’re designed to make life easy and fun for everyone!